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  • Air frost number dataset at about 10 km resolution at the equator, using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The Air frost number dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Agro-climatic Resources - Thermal Regime sub-theme. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • The Thermal zones dataset, at about 9 km resolution, reflects actual monthly temperature conditions throughout the year and serve as input to crop suitability assessment. CRUTS32 as climate data source is used based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010. The Thermal zones dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Theme 2 Agro-climatic Resources, Climate Classification sub-theme. For additional information on agro-climatic resources and indicators, please to Chapter 3 of the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • Total number of rain days (days with P > 1 mm) dataset at about 9 km resolution at the equator, using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The Total number of rain days dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Theme 2 Agro-climatic Resources, Moisture Regime sub-theme. The GAEZ analysis uses daily data of precipitation. This allows the computation of various statistics, including the number of rain-days in a year, here defined as days with precipitation P ≥ 1 mm. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • In GAEZ, the procedures proposed by Nelson and Outcalt (1987) are applied to calculate an air frost index (FI) which is used to characterize climate-derived permafrost conditions into four classes: (i) Continuous permafrost (ii) Discontinuous permafrost (iii) Sporadic permafrost (iv) No permafrost Reference permafrost zones are determined based on prevailing daily mean air temperature (Ta). The air frost index (FI) is calculated and used to characterize permafrost areas. For this calculation, accumulated degree-days, above and below 0oC, are used to calculate the thawing index (DDT) and the freezing index (DDF). CRUTS32 as climate data source is used based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010. The Permafrost zones classification dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Theme 2 Agro-Climatic Resources, Climate Classification sub-theme. For additional information on agro-climatic resources and indicators, please to Chapter 3 of the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • The Multi-cropping classification dataset at about 9 km resolution represents a classification in terms of sequential multi-cropping zones under rain-fed conditions. CRUTS32 as climate data source is used based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010. The Multi-cropping classification dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Theme 2 Agro-climatic Resources, Climate Classification sub-theme. In the GAEZ crop suitability analysis, the LUTs considered refer to single cropping of sole crops, i.e., each crop is presumed to occupy the land only once a year and in pure stand. Consequently, in areas where the growing periods are sufficiently long to allow more than one crop to be grown in the same year or season, single crop yields of annual crops do not reflect the full potential of total time available each year for rain-fed or irrigated crop production. To assess the multiple cropping potential, a number of multiple cropping zones have been defined through matching both growth cycle and temperature requirements of individual suitable crops with time available for crop growth. For rain-fed conditions this period is approximated by the LGP, i.e., the number of days during which both temperature and moisture conditions permit crop growth. Under irrigation conditions the length of the temperature growing period and annual accumulated temperature sums are decisive. For additional information on agro-climatic resources and indicators, please to Chapter 3 of the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • Reference evapotranspiration deficit (using AWC=100 mm) dataset using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The Reference evapotranspiration deficit (using AWC=100 mm) dataset, at about 10 km resolution, is part of the GAEZ v4 Agro-climatic Resources - Moisture Regime sub-theme. Water deficit (WDe, mm), WDe = ETo-Eta is difference between annual potential and actual evapotranspiration. It measures the discrepancy between evaporative demand of a well-watered vegetation and the actual moisture supply under rain-fed conditions. Note that WDe is computed as an agro-climatic indicator, without consideration of actual soil conditions, and the reference water balance is calculated using a soil water holding capacity Smax of 100 mm. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • Annual moisture availability P/PET ratio (*100) dataset using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The moisture availability index compares the amount of incoming precipitation to the evaporative demand of the reference crop assumed in the calculation of the Penman-Monteith equation used for reference evapotranspiration ETo. An index value of 100 means that precipitation equals reference potential evapotranspiration, i.e. that precipitation on average over the year matches the evaporative demand of the vegetation. Values below 100 indicate the occurrence of some water deficit; values above 100 mean that precipitation exceeds evaporative demand on an annual basis. The Annual P/PET ratio (*100) dataset, at about 10 km resolution, is part of the GAEZ v4 Agro-climatic Resources - Moisture Regime sub-theme. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • Mean annual temperature (°C) dataset at about 10 km resolution at the equator, using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The Mean annual temperature (°C) dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Agro-climatic Resources - Thermal Regime sub-theme. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • Net primary production (rain-fed) dataset at about 10 km resolution at the equator, using different climate data source and based on different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) according to the time period as follows: - climate data source CRUTS32 based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010; - climate data source ENSEMBLE based on the Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5 for time periods 2041-2070 and 2071-2100. The Net primary production (rain-fed) dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Agro-climatic Resources - Moisture Regime sub-theme. For additional information, please refer to the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.

  • The Thermal climates dataset, at about 9 km resolution, represents major latitudinal climatic zones based on monthly temperatures reduced to sea level. CRUTS32 as climate data source is used based on historical data for the time period 1981-2010. The Thermal climates dataset is part of the GAEZ v4 Theme 2 Agro-climatic Resources, Climate Classification sub-theme. For additional information on agro-climatic resources and indicators, please to Chapter 3 of the GAEZ v4 Model Documentation.